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What Is Your RESPONSIBILITY As A Believer?
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What is your RESPONSIBILITY as a believer?

“And the prayer of faith shall save the sick…”  James 5:15 (KJV)

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Have you ever asked that question to yourself?  What is my responsiblity as a believer? Am I supposed to do anything? I mean, I do believe lots of things, but what can I do to be productive for the kingdom of God? Well, since you are pondering this question. One of your obligations as a believer is to pray for those who need healing. James writes that "the prayer of faith" will save the sick. Believers are the only ones who can pray this "prayer of faith". We must rise up and meet the demand of the world around us. We must fulfill our responsiblity and pray. So, to accomplish this, use the following bullets to pray over those in need.


  • Dear God, I believe Your word that says, “I am the LORD that healeth thee,” (Exodus 15:26).  I believe Your word that says You heal all my diseases (Psalm 103:3).  And I am not afraid to bring my broken body to your attention, knowing that Your ability to heal me is unquestionable.


  • Jesus, I believe Your word that says, by your stripes, I am healed (Isaiah 53:5).  Through Your work on the cross, You have already taken the initiative to address my healing. With every lash to Your body, You conquered my sickness.


  • Oh God, Your word says that fearing You is health to my flesh and strength to my bones (Proverbs 3:7-8).  To those that fear your name, You will arise with healing in Your wings (Malachi 4:2).  Today I am turning to You with a heart of fear and reverence for you.  I pray, worshipping and believing that even now your presence is eager to set my life in order and bring health and newness into my physical body.


  • Jesus, I see how you were moved again and again with compassion for the sick and diseased when you walked this earth.  I am not afraid to bring my problems and my mess to You, because I know that Your compassion for me is deeper than I can even imagine.  Just like the New Testament church, let my faith in Your name make me strong (Acts 3:16), and my faith in You make me whole (Luke 8:48).


  • Dear God, I believe Your word that has given me both authority and responsibility to heal the sick through the power of prayer (Matthew 10:8). Your word says that they who believe will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Lord, I believe.  My loved one is sick and broken in their body.  I reach to Heaven with bold faith, that my loved one might be made whole and well, In Jesus’ name (James 5:14-16).



Jaclyn Pousson
Blog Writer for FPC